Special thanks! 2016 PCT Hiking
Special thanks! 朝の暗いうちから歩き出し、太陽が顔を見せる時間。 キリリとした素敵な時間 すべての始まりのようで好きなひとときでした。 Start walking out of the dark in the morning, the time the sun shows her face. A wonderful time with a fish It was like everything started and it was my favorite moment. After finishing PCT hiking of 2016, and going back to Japan, and having gone round parents' house or Tokyo; of finally present Ogasawara Islands which live, and are a place came back to Chichijima. Though it is December, the subtropical island after a long absence is still hot and but is good old present their MyHomeTown. I was taken care of by California, America, Oregon, Washington and Canadian around Vancouver and really many people from spring. I give thanks on this occasion. A trip was the encounter with the person who was new with new scenery. I learned a lot from the encounter of many attractive people and the story and action from the teens to 80 generations and noticed it and was encour...